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Tax Estimate
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Tax Preparation
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Accuracy Re-Check
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I will get to know you and your unique situation by asking interview questions so I have the “whole picture” of your tax year. I will then work hard for you, entering all information received by you into your tax return and help you understand potential outcomes.

Tax Estimate

If you have already completed your tax return and want to see if you received all the credits you deserve before you file or just want to know what your refund/balance due will be before you file, I can provide an estimate for you and answer any questions you may have so you feel comfortable before filing your return. If you choose to just have me file your return, the estimate fee will be deducted from your return filing fee.

Tax preparation

I will gather all information that I have received from you and get to know you as best as I can. I will then commence preparing your return. Before filing your return, I will discuss the outcome with you. I will also help you plan your financial future, so you can maximize your deductions and credits for upcoming tax years.

Accuracy Check

If you would like a review of a previously filed tax return, I can check its accuracy to be sure you received the maximum tax breaks. If I find an error, I can amend the return for you. The accuracy check fee will be credited towards the tax amendment filing fees.